Well, I must say, that was fun - NOT !! 5 hrs in surgery and 2 in recovery. They removed all of my lymph nodes, a muscle in my neck, my jugular vein and a few odds and ends to boot. the only side effect so far is I will need physical therapy on my shoulder. some minor nerve damage, I had lost feeling under my chin after my biopsy a couple weeks ago that led to this and now my right ear feels like its full of Novocain that wont wear off. ( if it stays numb I am gonna see if Michael Madsen will cut it off for a viral YouTube video so I can have my 15 minutes of fame,  God bless Mr Blonde).
SO anyhow, my mom wont get the reference so here you go mom - its a scene from Reservoir Dogs (One of Quentin Tarantino's Finest.)

I hurt like hell and cant sleep worth a crap due to the pain and some pretty severe anxiety. I got racing thoughts and just an overall numbness of emotion right now. Worrying a lot about it coming back on the original side and having to do this all over again. They sent out everything they removed for biopsy and I may have to do some chemo again which many of you probably remember doesn't go well for me. I believe I have had my lifetime limit of radiation so that wont be an option this next go round but that is probably good cause I cant take any more trauma to the throat. my salivary glands are fried and I barely make enough saliva to keep my tongue moist so I have to have a bottle of water with me at all times. I think this is going to be a long uphill and sometimes downhill battle for some time.

I did manage to get my cobra insurance extended for 6 months through BC/BS of Texas through my former employer which will help greatly since OHIO wants $1,200.00 a month for the same plan "due to my pre-existing condition"  pretty good that the IRS lady from Cincinnati sits home and collects a few grand a week while pleaing the 5th and I got to beg for donations to pay for my prescriptions. What a great country we live in. Come next January I will either have to be uninsured for 6 months or spend about my whole disability check on insuranse till july when I will finally get Medicare. Anyway thats what is going on with me lately. I truly hope EVERYONE is doing better than me right now - I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

If you have the means to chip in a $5 $10 $20 - everything is really going to help with my physical therapy copays and my myriad of new meds . If you can, Retweet and share on your Facebook page, google + anywhere to get the word out. all those $5's and $10's from new folks that haven't heard my story really help. 

Any way, there is my latest update. I sit here in the hospital with my dilaudid drip so I am at peace right now. if you want to just say Hi or ask any questions about any specifics of my cancer and how it all went down there is a comment section here or email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to help in any way I can.


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